Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Major Health vaccines For children

What are vaccines?

Vaccines are substances that enter the body at various stages in the life of the child and cause the body to make antibodies or defenses that prevent disease.

Most vaccines require multiple doses to achieve a significant amount of defenses.
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP)

These three diseases are caused by bacteria that are spread through respiratory secretions of infected persons in the case of diphtheria and whooping cough and infected wounds in the case of tetanus.

Diphtheria causes a membrane in the throat that are serious breathing problems and can also affect the heart and is fatal in some cases.

Pertussis cough produces a very intense and in some cases, neurological disorders.

The DTaP vaccine is highly effective and safe way to prevent these diseases.

Children are vaccinated 2.4, and 6 months and are put booster at 18 months and 5-6 years. At these doses the person is not protected for life, so the 14 year old gets the last dose of diphtheria and tetanus should be placed every 10 years throughout adulthood.

The most common side effects include warmth, redness and pain at the site of the puncture. In rare cases can cause convulsions, inconsolable crying and fever.

The consequences of not vaccinating the child for fear of side effects pose assume a very high risk of getting sick from these infections and is more serious adverse effects (including death) to those that occur with vaccination.

The poliovirus (polio) causes paralysis that can permanently disable or kill individual. This virus is transmitted through the feces of infected people. In the aftermath can cause limb paralysis and breathing problems. In developed countries, polio is eradicated.

In Spain, get 5 doses of polio vaccine: at 2, 4, 6 and 18 months and I remember last 4-6 years.
Hepatitis B

Hepatitis is an infection and inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis B. Acute infection of the virus causes loss of appetite, stomach pain, jaundice and vomiting. The biggest problem of hepatitis is the acute phase but the problems that can occur over time, when a chronic hepatitis can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and death.

The disease is spread through contact with blood and other body fluids of an infected person. In the case of transmission can be children during pregnancy.

The vaccination schedule in healthy children is done at the 2.4 and 6 months.
Haemophilus influenzae (Hib)

It is a bacterium that causes serious infections in children under 5 years as epiglottitis, otitis, meningitis or pneumonia. The bacterium enters through the mouth and infects the child. Infections can cause serious sequelae occur in children.

Vaccination consists of four doses: 2.4 and 6 months and a booster dose at 18 months.

Co-administered with vaccines: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio. Also be given by the Hepatitis B vaccine and the combination of these six vaccines are what are called hexavalent vaccines. Such vaccines are as effective and safe as them separately, with the advantage that you only need a puncture.
Meningococcal Group C

Meningococcus is a bacterium that can cause serious infections in children and adults: meningitis and sepsis. The bacterium enters through the mouth or nose and then infect the individual. Vaccination is very safe and effective.

The vaccine is a vaccine conjugate (MCC) which consists of a part of meningogoco C. It should get three doses: 2.4 and 6 months. The vaccine is administered in combination with other vaccines. It is advisable to vaccinate all young people under 20 years (over 11 months not previously vaccinated only needed one dose).
Measles, Mumps and Rubella: MMR vaccine

Are viral infections that affect mainly the children. The three are spread by air with secretions that are expelled by coughing or speaking.

Measles causes a fever and a rash all over his body and coughing. Sometimes it can be complicated to produce pneumonia and encephalitis (infection of the central nervous system).

Rubella causes a mild illness with fever and rash and can be accompanied by adenopathies (lymph) in the neck. The severity of this disease is that if you get a pregnant woman may experience severe fetal malformations.

Mumps causes inflammation of the parotid glands (glands that produce saliva) and causes excruciating pain. May be complicated by meningitis.

The three virus vaccine is the MMR. The first dose is given between 12 and 15 months and again between 3 and 6 years.

As most common side effect is the appearance of fever a week after vaccination.

It is a bacterium that can cause pneumonia, meningitis, ear infections or sepsis, especially in children under 5 years. Pneumococcus is commonly found in the nose and throat of healthy children and adults infected, and unknown.

The vaccine is a conjugate vaccine serotypes of pneumococcus several (most aggressive) and should be administered to 2.4 and 6 months and a fourth booster dose between 18 and 24 months.

It is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster and 90% of children pass before age 15. This is usually a mild illness but can be complicated sometimes causing central nervous system infection and pneumonia.

Chickenpox is the appearance of very itchy vesicles and whole body. Fever may occur.

The vaccine is given between 12 and 15 months. If the vaccine to those over 13 years need two doses separated by 6-8 weeks.

Side effects of the vaccine may lead to a mild chickenpox. The incidence of shingles is the same as after natural infection

101 Ideas To Raise Healthy Children In a Polluted World

Medical doctors, Philip Landrigan and Herbert Needleman, Mary Landrigan and in 2001 published the book "Raising Healthy Children in a Toxic World". Not yet translated into Spanish, this book offers 101 smart solutions for every family can implement in their day to day.

The book is divided into three parts devoted to the protection of our children at home, in the neighborhood and in their conception. The book uses simple language and direct, easy access to all parents, and allowing them to find comfort solutions in areas that most concerns them. Also, each part is preceded by a short multiple choice questionnaire that can alert parents in each of the different scenarios.

In the first part covering solutions to solve all environmental problems that the environment can affect the health of our children at home, with special attention to children's room. It also emphasizes how to avoid allergies and asthma attacks and to prevent possible poisoning dangerous products such as pesticides and herbicides. Finally, this first part concludes by exposing the means to reduce exposure of children to unsafe foods for your health as well as to chemicals normally used at home. Although much of the recommendations and solutions in the case of food is directly linked to the American diet, many ideas that we can draw as they are very few times when buying a product, we analyzed its additives or have treated or untreated with pesticides. A good old recommendation, recalled worldwide due to avian flu and now almost forgotten, is to wash hands frequently and especially before eating or handling food.

The second part dedicated to the protection of children in their environment, including tracks to avoid the dangers of day care, ways to make our children's school safer and how to avoid the dangers of the neighborhood. The importance of this section is vital since a large part of the day our children will spend in the nursery or school. Normally, however, rely on the checks to pass these centers and do not usually wary of their safety. However, some recommendations seem interesting. For example, how to deal with the unpleasant task of eradicating lice and nits from the heads of our children. Normally we ask for a treatment at the pharmacy, but must inform us of their toxicity and the impact it can have on the health of our children. It also reminds us that there are many ways to avoid the nasty mosquito bites in babies and children and that not all prevention methods are safe for your health.

In the third and final part, this book offers ways to protect our children from conception. Healthy children born to healthy mothers and fathers. Therefore, the book advises us that we must guard and protect us from environmental hazards that affect our health and reproduction. The the most interesting parts of the book. Many of us, when we decided to have a child or what we intended, we bought books on the design and babies, but in truth, few books have alerted us that our own responsibility for her pregnancy. Do not eat swordfish or mackerel to contain high levels of mercury, may be one of these amazing recommendations, if we want to avoid damaging the baby's central nervous system.

Children health issues

Dad, how was drawing me, "asks Diego about an image that has little to read, but in the eyes of his father is the nicest he has seen. Situations like this are recurrent, especially when children are small, a fact that parents rate as a way of raising children more confident in themselves.

But the issue goes beyond a simple compliment. Positive reinforcement is important, but along with it is essential to act consistently with what is said. For example, if they are encouraged by making the bed or dressing themselves, then we must allow and give space to do so. Is consistency between what is said and what is it that conveys security and reduces uncertainty, which allows children to recognize themselves as capable.

Children s Psychiatry
errors in common

Surely no one is expert in how to be father, but be clear that some errors are critical when it comes to providing security. The most common thing:

* The lack of availability as parents to adversity experienced by children.
* Over-ie, do not give options for the child to believe in himself, doing everything for him.
* The apprehensiveness, as through her parents pass their own insecurities to their children.
* Standards in inconsistency . To the extent that set limits and do not care are met, the child can not develop a clear predictability of things, generating insecurity.
* The sobreinvolucración. This is when the child is given responsibilities for which he is unprepared, for example, decide whether or not to go to school or future married life of a parent, among other things.

However, there are parents who make exaggerated reinforcements children. This occurs when behaviors are not accompanied by concrete action in accordance with reason is complimenting or compliments clearly do not correspond, which increases the confusion in the child and creates more insecurity.

It compliments and switch between "real" and others "not real", it confuses the child, who does not know when it relates closely to an attribute of it and when not. The same is true when the emphasis of a compliment to a child is to disqualify another, creating the internal feeling that one can also be neglected at some point.

Confidence is permanently under construction since the children are born, through the availability to meet your needs and the harmony is achieved between the attention given and the needs they have. This is an ongoing process in which you can always add confidence. While earlier, constant and prolonged the parent-child relationship, the better the security is achieved. The presence and company of the fathers upon the children living processes is vital.

It is important, for example, that the educational establishment has a vision of the human being, facilitate and enhance family involvement in the growth process, generate the request for the relationship with others, embraces diversity and values ​​the needs of others. Also, the teacher should give clear messages and behaviors consistent, encourage age-appropriate autonomy of the child, facilitate accountability, stimulate creativity, enhance skills and individuality, accept difference and be an "other" with which the child can relate to.
How to know if it is unsafe?

The specialist explains that insecurity can be shown mainly through two ways. The first is when the child is fearful, withdrawn, prone to avoid problems with few skills to solve or address them. In these children may be confused insecurity and fear with the penalty, which can make you strive for comfort and overprotective, increasing insecurity.

The other way is more difficult to detect, because it confuses the child who has the fear of rabies. The minor, his insecurity, are more irritable, less tolerance for frustration and more challenging, increasing conflict and generates behaviors in the parents fault, disqualification or distance, which harm the child safety and increase helplessness in parents.

But we must distinguish the insecurity of shyness, as the latter may correspond to a more introverted child, thoughtful and analyzes situations before acting. However, at other times, shyness can be a consequence of insecurity. The difference is that shyness would not go against the healthy development while insecurity is a disruption of their development process.

As a result, insecurity may be an aspect that facilitates the development of disorders in predisposed and negatively influences the development or prognosis of others. These involve anxiety disorders (separation, adaptation with anxious symptoms, generalized anxiety, phobia and selective mutism), behavioral (oppositional defiant disorder, with symptoms of behavioral adaptation), mood (depressive disorder), and development of personality (traits inhibited and dependent personality).
Modern society and insecurity

One aspect of modern society, is that greatly promotes insecurity by:

* Tendency to follow a pattern and not discovered each accepting differences.
* Privilege of what is certain, without teaching to tolerate uncertainty, which necessarily are exposed.
* Excess media that foster creativity and spaces of silence, reflection or listen to oneself.
* Soon the parents with their children to assert their achievements.
* Privilege of the immediate and short-term achievement.
* Supremacy of doing and have about living and being. This limits the build or discover yourself.

However, if you previously been a deficit in this security, you must be a dual effort to repair what before was not achieved and to continue building confidence and security in the future. In this task, besides the role of parents, there are aspects of the school and teacher characteristics also help.

Why Health Insurance For Children

In April 2004, community leaders and partners concerned about the increasing number of children without access to comprehensive health insurance, established the Children Health Initiative of San Luis Obispo County (CHIS LO, according to the acronym .)

Mission CHISLO :

Provide an application process a step to ensure that all eligible children enroll in a health plan coverage through insurance programs with existing state funds (Medi-Cal and Healthy Families) and provide Healthy Kids - a product comprehensive health insurance to serve families who do not qualify for health insurance programs in the state.

CHISLO Vision:

All children in the San Luis Obispo County have quality health coverage.
Why health insurance is must?

When parents can not afford to get health insurance, avoid preventive care visits for their children, give up to get care for chronic conditions / high, and only get medical attention or emergency services where patients are hospitalized . Consumers and taxpayers pay unnecessary costs for emergency care. Employers lose productivity of workers to be absent fathers caring for their children.
What difference does have insurance?

Uninsured children have been found in the studies:

* They are twice as likely not to see a doctor in a period of 12 months than children with insurance and have five times as likely to use emergency services as the source of regular care.

* They have a mortality rate of one and half times higher than children with health insurance.

* They have almost twice as likely not to receive care for chronic diseases than insured children

Keeping children safe at school

We all hope that children strive to school, get good grades and success in their education. But like all kids get sick. And we know that if children are not healthy, then they can learn.

So Kathleen Sibelius, HHS Secretary Arne Duncan and Secretary of Education today announced a $ 95 million for 278 programs, school health centers throughout the country. Provided by Law Health Care Affordable, allocations will help clinics to expand and provide more health services in schools across the nation.

Beneficiaries currently serve approximately 790.000 patients. The current allocations allow them to increase their capacity by more than 50 percent, which may serve to 440,000 patients.

The school health centers improve the overall health and well being of all children through activities of health checks, health promotion and disease prevention, and allow children with chronic or acute diseases to attend school.

In addition, school health centers are the places where many families come to enroll their children in public health insurance plans such as Medicaid or the Children Health Insurance (CHIP acronym in English).

Today what the funds announced are the first of assignments to be awarded the school health centers according to the Law on Health Care Affordable. This unprecedented investment in school health services will improve access to services for children. These grants will help working parents keep their children healthy and get the health services they need.